Document Management
When it comes to the essential needs of a project, our staff knows the value of having the proper documentation. As part of our service to our clients, we compile comprehensive technical documentation and data dossiers as per the contract. Depending on the specifics of the client's request, documentation typically includes:
- Project Quality Plan
- Inspection and testing plan for the project
- Procedures for manufacturing and testing
- Specifications for welding procedures (WPS)
- Records of prequalification (PQR)
- Reports on Nondestructive Testing
- Material Test Certificate to DIN 50049 or EN 10204
type 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 (3.1b, 3.1c) as required by the client.
- Each QC dossier receives the number of copies specified in the contract.